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Past events

10 December 2020, 10:00 - 11:30

Procura+ webinar series on socially responsible ICT procurement

Five good practice case studies

The Procura+ initiative is hosting a webinar series in the form of two consecutive 90-minute webinars on 9 November and 10 December. Procurers and those interested in procurement will get the chance to learn from experts, all of whom were vital to the process and achievement of including social crit...
7 December 2020, 14:00 - 16:00

1st European Circular Cities Declaration Webinar

Introducing the Declaration and sharing inspiring examples

The first European Circular Cities Declaration webinar will present examples of good practice from the group of over 30 signatories. It will also provide an introduction to the Declaration to cities and regions potentially interested in signing. To register, visit here Programme 14.00 –...