
Renewable Energy Regions

Socio - Ecology of Self-Sufficiency (science meets practice)

5 March 2013
Berlin, Germany- Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Jägerstraße 22/23

The energy revolution happens - a hundred times, decentralised, locally in Germany. How local governments and regions successfully switch to renewable energy was investigated by the BMBF-funded research project RE-Regions. At its final conference results will be presented and options given for local government action. The aim is to create a socially fair and eco-friendly self-sufficiency by using renewable energy sources. Best practice examples from Germany will underline the research results.

Invited are practitioners, scientists and decision-makers from local and regional governments.

Key speakers include:

Jürgen Schulz, Landkreis Lüchow-Dannenberg

Heinz Kastenholz, energieZENTRUM in Wolpertshausen

Dr. Chantal Ruppert-Winkel, Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energien (ZEE)

Prof. Dr. Klaus Schmieder, Universität Hohenheim

Dr. Astrid Aretz, Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)

Please follow the link for the full programme and register.