
4th Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Using water more efficiently – burning issues, current approaches, new alliances at local level

7 June 2010
Brussels, Belgium- EU Liaison Office of the Region of Istria, Rue du Commerce 49

Close to 40 people, mainly representing Brussels-based representations of European local and regional governments from Estonia to Turkey, gathered at the EU Liaison Office of the Region of Istria on 7 June 2010. Those present explored topical issues, approaches and new alliances at local level for using water more efficiently.

It was the fifth meeting in the Breakfast at Sustainability’s series and was introduced by Mr Dino Babic of the Istria Office and Mr José Luis Palació, Vice-Mayor of Alzira, speaking on behalf of the President of the Valencian Federation of Provinces and Municipalities. Both provided an insight into the practical efforts in Croatia and Spain to protect water resources while meeting current and future demand.

Following a presentation by Ms Andrea Nam from the European Commission on their policies and programmes to respond to drought and water scarcity, discussions focused on the potential to manage water more sustainably at the local level. While some of the panelists emphasised the role of research and technology, it also became clear that innovative modes of collaboration between all stakeholders - including citizens themselves - play a critical role for effectively safeguarding local water resources in the long run.