

Strategic heating and cooling planning

From vision to engagement

25 February 2022, 10:00 - 11:00
- Online

The first out of three online sessions of the Act!onHeat Training Programme will provide an overview about the workflow of strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning in cities. More specifically, the session will focus on the first steps to be taken by a municipality, which include the development of a vision, ensuring political commitment, forming an internal working group, and establishing an effective engagement strategy for identifying and implementing thermal projects together with local stakeholders.

The political and technical insights from leading experts are complemented by the release of the results of a meta-study that Act!onHeat conducted to determine the success factors of H&C planning across Europe. Ultimately, the session aims to encourage H&C stakeholders to foster thermal planning in their cities and regions as well as to consider to take-up the support offered by Act!onHeat Support Facility.

At a glance, the session includes:
• 10:00: Welcome and introducing Act!onHeat
• 10:10: Set-up of strategic H&C planning in your city: Vision, commitment and mobilisation, by Alis-Daniela Torres (ICLEI Europe)
• 10:20: Establishing a thermal stakeholder group and engagement concept, by Juan Varo López (CREARA)
• 10:30: Success factors of strategic H&C planning - results of the Act!onHeat meta-study, by Markus Fritz (Fraunhofer ISI)
• 10:40: Interactive discussion
• 10:55: Catch-up and closing

The session will take place online on 25 February, from 10:00am-11:00am CET. Learn more about the session and the full Act!onHeat Training programme here. Please note: certification can be offered on demand.

Sign up for one or all of the sessions here.
