

Campaign Launch and Marketplace: Sustainable Living in Cities

20 March 2014, 8.30 - 16.00
Brussels, Belgium- The Crown Plaza Hotel, Rue St Lazare

ICLEI and CSR Europe will begin their strategic partnership with a Marketplace event on 20 March, launching the European Business Campaign on Sustainable Living in Cities. Focusing on two areas, sustainable consumption and sustainable production, the campaign will motivate and equip a network of more than 5,000 companies to take up a leadership role in strategic alliances with cities, and share and promote best practices for a sustainable local economy.

The event will highlight innovative projects that businesses across Europe have undertaken as part of the Sustainable Living in Cities Campaign. The head of ICLEI Brussels, Peter Defranceschi, will present on sustainable public procurement and business opportunities.

The partnership between the two organisations will help to improve cooperation between cities and business, ensuring collaboration is achieved in a smart, sustainable and inclusive way. City members are welcome to attend the launch event, but must register online. Cities can also showcase their innovative projects and solutions in the Marketplace exhibit on a poster; those interested should contact

For more information, click here.

CSR Europe

ICLEI Europe