
Optimised Heating and Cooling Network Planning

THERMOS Software Online Training & Certification Programme

29 October - 10 December 2020, 16:00 - 18:00
- Online

Local authorities and energy planners interested in conducting better heating and cooling planning in line with their local sustainable energy and climate action plans are invited to join the free online training programme organised by ICLEI and the THERMOS project. 

In three online live sessions and with practical online exercises, participants will be trained to apply the free THERMOS energy planning software. The web-based, free software developed as part of the THERMOS project is designed to identify optimal heating and cooling network solutions according to individual user criteria, such as emission reduction targets, budget, energy sources and required building connections. Interested participants will also have the opportunity to develop a case study together with project and software experts.

The Training will furthermore present and provide relevant knowledge about the district heating & cooling sector, thermal energy demand and supply in Europe and viable financing options for the roll-out of district network solutions. 

Training schedule:

  • Webinar 1: Kick-off & energy system mapping and modelling with THERMOS, 29 Oct at 16:00 CET
  • Webinar 2: Embedding THERMOS in your city. Case Studies Presentations by THERMOS partners, 12 Nov at 16:00 CET
  • Webinar 3: Final Webinar THERMOS trainers in action – Presentation of Cases by New Trainers, 10 Dec at 16:00 CET

All practical exercises can be handed in flexibly until 1 Dec 2020. Successful training participants will receive a certificate stating the obtained competencies, skills and knowledge.

Registration to the Training Programme can be completed here. More information about the THERMOS project and software can be found on the project webpage.

ICLEI Europe