
24 April 2018

ICLEI and CDP launch unified reporting system

Local and regional governments have been calling for a simplified process for climate data reporting. In response, ICLEI and CDP have partnered to do just that.

From now on, climate data will be reported through a new unified system. Local and regional governments now only have to report once, on CDP’s platform, and the data will be automatically shared with ICLEI. Furthermore, the new system allows governments to access services from both organisations.

Reporting is the first step to building sustainable low-carbon economies and societies aligned to a 1.5°C pathway as laid out in the Paris Agreement.

By streamlining two platforms, reporting has been radically simplified, making it easier to track efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Climate data has also become more standardised, and therefore more understandable and useful to governments and their partners. This will allow cities to demonstrate their efforts to citizens and local businesses, and show that they are future-focused.

Data reported through the unified system is aligned with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy’s new Common Reporting Framework. This will make it easier for cities to commit to the Covenant of Mayors, to participate in a raft of initiatives on renewable energy, buildings efficiency and air pollution, and to identify investment needs.

Cities have already reacted positively to the partnership. Björn Hugosson, Chief Climate Officer at ICLEI Member City Stockholm (Sweden) said: "As a city that reports to both CDP and ICLEI, we are thrilled that from 2019 we will only need to report once through the unified reporting system and our data will be shared with both organisations. This allows us to work smarter – saving time and resources."

To learn more click here. And to start reporting, visit