
7 December 2021

ICLEI invites cities to join big data community for building energy efficiency

Advancing the pace of building stock decarbonisation – in line with the European Commission’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 - goes hand-in-hand with a solid understanding of the current building stock. Knowing the features, and how they evolve, is the basis for being able to improve the European building stock. The challenge however, is that building data is often either fragmented, underrepresented, or not granular enough to allow for meaningful analysis.

Buildings’ big data and smart technologies are swiftly improving and growing. This constitutes an unprecedented opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, as well as to better manage the energy consumption and life cycle of buildings. ICLEI Europe is helping to pave a clear path forward with a project aiming to change the way data relating to building energy performance, operation and physical characteristics is developed and shared.

Tools such as a data provision roadmap, a web-based hub to hold data, and an information platform for building stock property and behavior enable the design of more effective sustainable building and renovation policies, programmes, projects and financing schemes. This work is made possible by the project BuiltHub and the community of cities is growing.

Cities interested in getting involved will have several benefits:

  • Access overall and specific EU building stock analytics and knowledge
  • Receive added value services tailored to cities’ needs and data, such as quality analysis, comparison and cross-referencing with other datasets, data transformations, visualisations
  • Shape BuiltHub’s inclusive, user-friendly and benefit-driven online platform by ensuring the platform meets cities’ specific needs
  • Benefit from highly accurate scenarios to support investment planning
  • Get inspiration for data-driven policy change and new business model development related to energy and buildings
  • Gain exposure and learn from a diverse range of actors involved in energy efficiency financing, real estate and construction industry, energy services, academia and policy makers through the BuiltHub community

If you’re interested in finding out more, join the BuiltHub community here.