
26 April 2022

Join the U7 Mayors Summit to be a part of progress towards a more equitable world

The Urban7 Group Alliance is proud to announce the U7 Mayors Summit, with the theme “Embracing the Urban World: Cities as Drivers of Change for Peace, Democracy and Sustainability”. The Summit will take place on 3 May 2022, and all local governments are strongly encouraged to join. The programme will highlight the crucial role that cities play in contributing to the overarching G7 goal of ‘progress towards an equitable world’, and in advancing action across fields defined by the Presidency, namely: sustainable planet, economic stability, healthy lives, investment in a better future, and stronger together.

ICLEI, the Association of German Cities (Deutscher Städtetag), and the Global Parliament of Mayors have launched this urban alliance to accompany the German G7 Presidency. The U7 embraces the fact that cities and local governments from G7 countries, together with their global partners, are the driving forces working for equitable, sustainable and democratic development.

The U7 Mayors Summit is the most significant event for cities in relation to the German G7 Presidency. During the Summit, mayors from the G7 and the Global South will formulate their expectations for the G7 Presidency. The U7 Mayors Summit will serve as a bridge between local and national governments and will offer local actors a stage to better position themselves in international politics.

This event, and engagements to follow, highlight the power that local and multi-level governance have to create meaningful progress towards just sustainability transitions in, and with, strong cities. Indeed, progress for a just world can only be realised by forming strong ties between local governments in network with global actors. At the U7 Mayors Summit, the U7 Mayors Declaration will be adopted and handed to the G7 Presidency.

The Urban7 Group alliance is supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and works in collaboration with Engagement Global.

All local governments are strongly encouraged to join the 2022 U7 Mayors Summit. Other interested parties are also welcome to attend the event.

For more information and to register for the summit, click here.