
12 November 2010

SCI-Network launched in Helsinki

The SCI-Network, sustainable construction and innovation through procurement, was launched publicly today. The Network brings together public authorities from across Europe to jointly identify new innovative solutions in construction, and examine how innovation can best be encouraged within construction procurement.

The public sector is responsible for 40 percent of European Union (EU) construction activity, with buildings responsible for 36 percent of EU CO2 emissions. Therefore, public sector construction needs to be sustainable and innovative. Participation in the network is free and the Network has established five working groups on topics which participants consider to be particularly relevant. Each group has a dedicated space within the online discussion forum. The groups focus on various different areas, Innovation in sustainable renovation - application of environmental assessment systems, New Technical Solutions, Procuring Innovation – Procedures & Methods, Whole-life Costing and Financing & Contracting.

The Network was launched at this year’s Procura+ seminar, hosted by ICLEI member the City of Helsinki, which is the current chair of the Procura+ Campaign. The seminar will focus on innovation and procurement, a theme of increasing interest to both policy makers and public authorities. Procura+ Sustainable Procurement Campaign is a framework supporting local government and public authority action on sustainable public procurement.

For further information, click here..