
Search Result ( 100 - 108 from 223 )

21 March 2022

A circular transition towards climate neutrality: identifying cities’ needs and challenges

Circular economy and climate neutrality are at the heart of a city's sustainable transformation. What obstacles do cities face in transitioning from a linear to a circular economy, and moving towards Climate Neutrality? Which drivers and opportunities could help them to unlock their transformation p...

18 March 2022

​​Learn from ICLEI Members and European experts how to foster just local resilience

Cities and regions across Europe are working in community to implement effective climate adaptation action. However, they need support to make this happen. That’s where the EU Policy Support Facility comes in. Recognising the importance of local action to climate adaptation and resilience, the...

17 March 2022

Regions and communities invited to join the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change

Local governments and communities are critical to fostering climate change adaptation and resilience, and rely on support from other levels to make sure this work is swift and effective. Fortunately, the European Commission has unequivocally said that it is prepared to lend its support. One such sup...

14 March 2022

ICLEI invites changemakers to apply for World Urban Parks-Emerging Urban Leaders programme

In light of the global pandemic, the way that urban populations’ relate to and interact with green and blue spaces has changed, namely, demands for nature have increased worldwide. With this increased demand, however, comes a pressure to create more urban parks, also raising questions about eq...

23 February 2022

Framework on climate resilience for historic areas open for comments

There is widespread conversation around the impacts of climate change and climate hazards on cities. However, there is much less discussion on how climate change will impact (and is impacting) historic areas, which are markedly at risk. A new framework has been drafted to support better considerati...

17 February 2022

Contribute to climate vulnerability survey for a chance to receive tailored support

While climate change is impacting communities the world over, its impacts will be different in various regions. This means that the climate crisis demands responses from regional policy-makers, who need to understand the specifities of local areas. To this end, individuals from various European regi...

11 February 2022

City of Malmö joins ‘Making Cities Resilient 2030’ initiative to strengthen fight against climate change

ICLEI member Malmö (Sweden) has become the newest member of the global network Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030), an initiative convened by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to support cities in building their resilience to climate and disaster risks. ICLEI is a...

4 February 2022

ICLEI Action Fund subgrantee uses data to reduce air pollution in Copenhagen

Through the ICLEI Action Fund, Danish non-profit organisation Miljøpunkt Amager (MPA) harnessed environmental data, implementing pilots that reduce air pollution. The results were quantifiable: the pilots reduced fine particle pollution by up to 13 percent. The ICLEI Action Fund is a grantin...

3 February 2022

Contribute your expertise to help drive sustainable urban transitions in European cities

Sustainable urban transitions are a complex and ever-changing endeavour. Heat waves and flooding, pollution, waste management, loss of green space – all likely worsened by climate change – are just a few of many factors that can complicate sustainable transitions. In recognition of this ...