
Search Result ( 82 - 90 from 223 )

28 June 2022

Hamburg and Dortmund added to list of cities eligible to host data-driven projects under the ICLEI Action Fund

ICLEI Member Hamburg (Germany) and the City of Dortmund (Germany) are now eligible to host data-driven projects under the ICLEI Action Fund. Civil society organisations, academic institutions and non-profit research institutes aiming to implement inclusive environmental action in one of these two Ge...

27 June 2022

Malmö gains UN designation of a Making Cities Resilient 2030 Resilience Hub

City and regional officials, policy makers, and UN staff came together at the ICLEI World Congress to celebrate the announcement that ICLEI Member Malmö (Sweden) has earned the designation of a Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) Resilience Hub. MCR2030 is a United Nations Office for Disast...

21 June 2022

Circular water innovation: beyond technology alone

Circular water – processes by which waste water is purified and reused for new purposes – is often viewed through a purely technological lens. However, municipalities and local governments are exploring the huge potential of applying circular water methods to create green solut...

21 June 2022

The vital role of nature-based solutions to create a more equitable economy

The COVID-19 pandemic led many local areas to reassess the structures of their economies and labour markets. Adjusting to and moving forward from the pandemic provides a key opportunity to reconsider our systems, in order to bring nature to the core of our economies and our societies. A new report s...

20 June 2022

Three videos on empowering local action on climate adaptation and resilience

Actors involved in policy- and decision-making plan and set in motion local climate action, and create tools and resources to help citizens and stakehoders learn about climate change adaptation and resilience. The EU Policy Support Facility, a European Commission initiative launched to assist local ...

20 June 2022

Join a community of local stakeholders interested in the role of land use in climate action

Sustainable land use planning – seen as a key part of climate change mitigation and adaptation – often lies on the shoulders of governments and companies. But how can everyday people make choices that support sustainable land use? To explore this question further, ICLEI Europe is involv...

13 June 2022

Join ICLEI at the 11th World Urban Forum

ICLEI, its Members and partners will come together at the end of this month for the 11th edition of the United Nations’ World Urban Forum (WUF11). This leading global conference on sustainable urbanisation is coming to Europe, and will be hosted by ICLEI Member Katowice (Poland) from 26-30 Jun...

9 June 2022

Building Local Green Deals with local businesses and key stakeholders

ICLEI Europe recognises the importance of accelerating sustainable transitions across multiple sectors and levels of governance. One vital way in which this work can be achieved is through collaboration with small and medium enterprises (SMEs). ICLEI Member Aalborg (Denmark) and the City of Amsterd...

7 June 2022

The crumbling foundation of urban life: cities must play a strong role in saving Europe’s soil ecosystems

Healthy soils are vital to life, providing the foundation for biodiversity and food supply. ICLEI Europe has released a new Position Paper that responds to the European Commisson's EU Soil Strategy for 2030, providing key recommendations for policy-makers. The paper draws on linkages elaborated in a...