
Search Result ( 73 - 81 from 223 )

14 September 2022

U7 joins groundbreaking G7 Ministers meeting on urban development

The first ever meeting of G7 Ministers for Urban Development took place in Potsdam (Germany) on 13 September 2022. Mayor Peter Kurz (ICLEI Member Mannheim) was invited by Minster Klara Geywitz to represent the Urban7 at this groundbreaking meeting. Timo Munzinger from the German Association of Citie...

12 September 2022

Learn to improve human and environmental health with nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions (NBS) can drive positive change in your municipality, improving human and environmental health. Learn more about integrating NBS into urban planning this autumn by signing up for a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) titled Nature-based Urban Regeneration. In this course, ...

6 September 2022

ICLEI Member Muratpaşa releases versatile new climate portal

ICLEI Member Muratpaşa is an active member of the sustainability community, going above and beyond in circular economy and community engagement. The municipality now offers a new service of great use to the public, with its release of the Muratpaşa Climate Portal. The website gathers environmental...

30 August 2022

SESA launches its capacity building plan

Smart Energy Solutions for Africa (SESA) project, of which ICLEI Europe is a coordinating partner, has launched their capacity building plan. SESA’s primary aim is to increase energy access in countries across Africa, in ways that are sustainable, replicable, and scalable and the capacity buil...

25 August 2022

Apply to the Transformative Action Award for the chance to win €10,000 and lead Europe’s sustainable urban transformation

Autumn is upon us, and a busy season of events, conferences, and awards awaits! Don’t miss your chance to win €10,000 and be recognised as a leader of sustainable urban transformation in Europe by applying for the 2022 edition of the Transformative Action Award, of which ICLEI is an organ...

24 August 2022

How Zagreb is turning its urban challenges into opportunities

ICLEI Europe experts, together with the municipality of Zagreb (Croatia) and local NGOs, recently gathered European cities to learn from Zagreb's successful nature-based solutions. The workshop took place in the post-industrial Sesvete district, which has been revitalised with nature-based solution...

2 August 2022

ICLEI supports a new project on people-centred climate neutrality by 2050

ICLEI Europe is a key partner in the new SHARED GREEN DEAL project that involves local communities across Europe to support the objectives of the European Green Deal. A recent focus on tackling climate change has centred on green technology development. However, this approach also needs people! In n...

19 July 2022

Urban transformation requires holistic, interdisciplinary and multilevel governance approaches

This year (2022) ICLEI member Katowice (Poland) hosted the 11th World Urban Forum, the first time that the forum took place in Central/Eastern Europe. Katowice is a former mining town in the process of transforming its industrial legacy towards becoming a sustainable city that improves air quality, ...

28 June 2022

Cities and regions take the next steps towards climate change adaptation and urban resilience together

Urban resilience, climate change adaptation, and disaster management are deeply intertwined topics, all of which are critically important in the face of ongoing climate crisis. Cities and regions across Europe are working hard to foster resilience and adaptation, and are keen to access knowledge and...