
Search Result ( 55 - 63 from 223 )

13 December 2022

Cities: help shape the Berlin Urban Nature Pact

Global leaders are currently gathered in Montreal (Canada) for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties, better known as CBD COP15. Over the next few days, nations hope to finalise and agree upon a global strategy to protect nature. This policy, known as the Po...

6 December 2022

Romanian policy makers exchange ideas on achieving an integrated mitigation-adaptation approach to climate action

While the current energy crisis is affecting communities across Europe and at all levels of government, more effective and enhanced adaptation to climate change is crucially needed. As two sides of the same coin, climate change mitigation and adaptation are key components of effective climate policy...

30 November 2022

#MultilevelActionDelivers at COP27

Would you prefer to listen to this article? No problem! Check out our new series called “Features”, in which we read each month’s lead article aloud and share those in our podcast feed. Click here to listen. This month, governments from around the world convened in Sharm el-Sheikh...

29 November 2022

ESCT is coming home: Aalborg to host 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

ICLEI Member Aalborg (Denmark) will host the 10th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which will take place in the first week of October 2024. “We are proud to once more invite cities from across Europe to Aalborg to become part of a transformational mov...

21 November 2022

EU effort sharing could have even greater potential if multi-level, place-based and locally differentiated

Late at night on 8 November, the EU agreed to a stricter trajectory with more ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets for all EU Member States. This move comes in the context of the Fit for 55 package and the revision of its Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR). Importantly, increases i...

17 November 2022

Meet this year’s Transformative Action Award finalists

Today, Caldes de Montbui (Catalonia, Spain), the City of Łódź (Poland) and the Valea Jiului Development Society Project, located in the Jiu Valley of Petrila (Romania), were revealed as finalists for the sixth edition of the Transformative Action Award. The award is organised by ICLEI Europ...

16 November 2022

Energy Day at COP27 spans equity, data, buildings and more

Energy is cross-cutting, spanning highly diverse sectors. As a result, it plays a pivotal role in efforts to mitigate the climate crisis. In recognition of this cornerstone role, 15 November was officially designated Energy Day at COP27. This day focused on all aspects of energy, including just tran...

15 November 2022

Cities unite against climate change via an interactive app

Saving the climate is not just an issue for politics and business. Only if we all change our habits and behaviour sustainably will we have a future worth living. This is the idea behind the new, interactive Climate Campaigners app, part of an initiative put forward by ICLEI Europe, together with 13 ...

9 November 2022

Learn how to incorporate community participation into climate planning strategies

Local authorities interested in learning how to better incorporate participatory practices in their climate planning are encouraged to attend a webinar co-organised by The Covenant of Mayors and the DECIDE project. The session, Community Ownership and Participation for Effective Mitigation & Ada...