
Search Result ( 46 - 54 from 222 )

24 February 2023

New mobility policy briefs emphasise the need for long-term zero-carbon transition pathways to meet climate targets

The transport sector is responsible for over 27% of cities’ CO2 emissions and over 14% of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Cities must therefore decarbonise their mobility sectors rapidly in order to meet global climate change targets. Around 72% of total transport CO2 emissions come fro...

20 February 2023

Citizen-powered data ecosystems drive inclusive and green urban transitions

Urban ReLeaf, a new Horizon Europe project led by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and with ICLEI Europe as a partner, utilises citizen science to drive innovation in the public sector. The project aims to co-create citizen-powered data ecosystems to support climate c...

15 February 2023

Leading European cities recognised for measureable contributions to sustainability

A clear understanding of data and analytics is an essential component for cities as they manage their environmental impacts. To this end, CDP, the world’s most extensive environmental reporting platform, assesses climate action in cities and towns, as well as companies and financial institutio...

14 February 2023

Applications are now open for the 2025 European Green Capital and European Green Leaf Awards

The European Commission has launched the competition for the highly prestigious 2025 European Green Capital (EGCA 2025) and the 2025 European Green Leaf (EGLA 2025) Awards. European cities and towns committed to sustainability are encouraged to apply by the 30 April deadline for this excellent oppor...

31 January 2023

Disruption & Resilience: why stronger local and regional governments are needed

Europe is reeling and seems in constant crisis. The sequence of disruptive global shocks seems to be constantly accelerating, while longer-term emergencies – in particular the climate and biodiversity crises – are continuing without being adequately addressed. Strengthening local and reg...

25 January 2023

Italy acknowledges ICLEI support in new plan for climate change adaptation

Italy’s new Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica) has released an updated National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, (Piano Nazionale di Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici). The new Plan mentions ICLEI among the organisa...

24 January 2023

Amplify your city’s climate action!

ICLEI Europe is part of a global team deploying a new lifestyle challenges app designed to help cities achieve their climate goals by effectively mobilising their constituencies and gaining access to valuable data that can shape future action. To reach a wide citizen-base and increase the Climate C...

20 December 2022

Last but not least: ending the year with another COP critical to nature

While the United Nations’ climate change negotiations (COP27) came to an end last month, this December was all about another Conference of the Parties: namely, global biodiversity negotiations known as CBD COP15. This was the occasion for world leaders to come together and agree upon a Post-20...

13 December 2022

Cities: help shape the Berlin Urban Nature Pact

Global leaders are currently gathered in Montreal (Canada) for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties, better known as CBD COP15. Over the next few days, nations hope to finalise and agree upon a global strategy to protect nature. This policy, known as the Po...