
Search Result ( 64 - 72 from 89 )

24 January 2022

COVID-19, climate change, liberal democracy and the role of local governments

A reflection from Wolfgang Teubner, ICLEI Regional Director for Europe, as we begin a new year. Looking back on two years of the COVID-19 pandemic looming large in Europe, a few things become clear to me. Namely, our democracies are fragile, facing climate change may be even more of an “uphil...

16 December 2021

‘It is clear that fossil fuels are not the future’

Giorgia Rambelli, Coordinator for Climate Policy and Energy Governance at ICLEI Europe, reflected on the recent global climate change negotiations (COP26) and the way forward for local governments to a more climate neutral, equitable and inclusive future. ICLEI is the official focal point of the Loc...

13 December 2021

ICLEI Europe submits feedback to the EU on its Fit for 55 package

The European Green Deal is a vision and growth plan for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and, in the interim, to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). A package of legislative measures – know as the “Fit ...

24 November 2021

Winner of the Transformative Action Award 2021 is revealed

The citizen-centred cooperative La Titaranya SCCL was crowned the Transformative Action of 2021 this week at a virtual ceremony hosted by the European Committee of the Regions. The organisation impressed the jury with their action, which focuses on the physical and social rehabilitation of a local, ...

15 November 2021

Practical exercises to unlock the full power of social innovations

Energy transition – or the transformation of our energy systems to be more sustainable and just for all – is vital work being carried out across the world, by groups ranging form large governments to small, innovative projects. Regardless of how this work is approached, it is always stee...

28 October 2021

Action catalysed by the Mannheim Message one year on

One year ago, in October 2020, the Mannheim Message was launched at the 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, known as Mannheim2020. The European Commission welcomed the launch, with Diederik Samsom, Head of Cabinet of Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission,...

21 October 2021

ICLEI among a group of urban researchers and activists that have launched 17 keys to sustainable just cities

Today, a community of urban researchers and city makers – including ICLEI Europe – launched 17 keys to sustainable and just cities. The keys are clustered under four themes – honest, caring, regenerative and informed – and aim to support the work of decision-makers, administr...

20 October 2021

How to create just, sustainable cities

A few weeks ago, a group of policy designers and action implementers gathered to co-create policy recommendations for just and sustainable cities. This process addressed the key question: how can we act to advance justice and sustainability in our cities? The current state-of-playUnderstanding our ...

8 October 2021

Knowledge hub consolidates resources to help support energy communities

Leaders working across a range of sustainability topics face a common challenge: there is plenty of knowledge on new and innovative ways to build more sustainable communities, but this knowledge can be hard to find and sift through. A newly launched 'Knowledge Hub' works to tackle this problem by cr...