
20 June 2022

Join a community of local stakeholders interested in the role of land use in climate action

Sustainable land use planning – seen as a key part of climate change mitigation and adaptation – often lies on the shoulders of governments and companies. But how can everyday people make choices that support sustainable land use?

To explore this question further, ICLEI Europe is involved in convening a network of local stakeholders – referred to as “end-users” – interested in land use as it relates to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Their perspectives, opinions, and ideas on sustainable land use will shape the development of a decision-making platform to help different end-users make informed land use decisions.

All interested persons are invited to become part of the end-user network. End-users will help shape the direction of a European-funded project; expand their networks in this area; and receive exclusive opportunities to join training sessions and conferences to build their capacity.

The first event for this community of end-users is taking place on 1 July, as a workshop to discuss climate change at the local level, and how it relates to land use issues. The different stakeholders represented will come together to understand the main objectives of the end-user network, and opportunities for them to engage.

This workshop and the network of end-users are being convened in the context of the RethinkAction project, in which ICLEI Europe is a partner. Over the course of four years, the project will develop the above-mentioned decision-making platform. The platform will provide information on climate change, and increase awareness and attractiveness of taking on land use-based solutions related to lifestyle and behavioural changes.

One component of developing this platform is ongoing analyses of six case studies in different European regions, each of which have unique ecological profiles:

  • Boreal: Gotland region (Sweden)
  • Atlantic: Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitanie region (France)
  • Continental: Southern Great Plain (Hungary)
  • Mountain: Valle d’Aosta Region (Italy)
  • Mediterranean: Almeria province (Spain)
  • Coastal zones and regional seas: Azores archipelago (Portugal)

During the 1 July workshop, the six case studies will be presented and opportunities will be identified for end-users to get involved in local activities.

Join this community of end-users! To do so, register to attend the first end-user workshop here.