
Search Result ( 55 - 63 from 65 )

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

The Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis (German Sustainability Award) is an annual award for sustainability that recognizes outstanding achievements by companies, local governments and individuals.


Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities

The Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities (RFSC) is an online toolkit designed to help cities promote and enhance their work on integrated sustainable urban development.


WWWforEurope:Welfare, Wealth and Work

The WWWforEurope research project proposed a comprehensive strategy to set Europe on a dynamic path to a socio-ecological transition.

Realising DReAMS

Realising Development of Resources and access to Municipal Services

Both environmental degradation and poverty alleviation are urgent global challenges that are too often treated separately. With pressing development needs in Least Developed Countries, and with a growing population, approaches to such global challenges require rethinking. But when new approaches are...

Informed Cities

Informed Cities Initiative

The Informed Cities initiative - making research work for local sustainability - is a European initiative driven by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability which aims to bridge the gap between research, policy-making and action in sustainable development, at and for the local lev...


TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) Study - D2 Report for Administrators

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) was a major international initiative - financed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, the European Commission, UNEP and several other partners - evaluating the global economic benefits of sustainable use of ecosystem services and cons...


Carbon responsible transport strategies for the North Sea Area

The aim of CARE-North was to develop a comprehensive, strategic and practical approach to urban and regional transport/accessibility in the North Sea Region in the context of climate change and declining oil supplies.

Input to the Quality of Life Report of the European Environment Agency (EEA)

Ensuring Quality of Life in Europe's Cities and Towns tackling the environmental challenges driven by European and global change

Contribution to the development of the "Ensuring Quality of Life in Europe's Cities and Towns tackling the environmental challenges driven by European and global change" Report

Managing Urban Europe 25

Managing Urban Europe 25: Preparation of environmental management systems for urban areas

The Managing Urban Europe-25 Project utilized and improved on the elements of the most recognised environmental management systems (EMS) to overcome the “structural failures” at the local level in 14 European municipalities.