
Search Result ( 1 - 9 from 27 )


Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Metropolitan Regions of Europe

CARMINE enhances climate resilience in European metropolitan communities by co-producing decision-support tools and strategies for local adaptation, integrating traditional and Nature-Based Solutions, and implementing its approach in eight selected case study areas.


MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales

MULTICLIMACT enhances resilience in built environments, providing tools for stakeholders to assess and improve their infrastructure against climate risks, ensuring safer, sustainable communities while prioritizing human wellbeing and quality of life.

Adaptation AGORA

A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation

AGORA aims to enhance collective resilience against climate change by establishing community-based adaptation practices in various social, economic and political contexts.


Reliability and effectiveness of integrated alternative water resources management for regional climate change adaptation

RECREATE aims to improve the resilience of water supplies and protect the status of natural water resources by facilitating the assessment and inclusion of Alternative Water Resources(AWR) in water management planning for water-scarce regions, and to increase awareness and acceptance of and trust in...

Urban ReLeaf

Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions

Urban ReLeaf delivers citizen-powered data ecosystems to support cross-sectoral innovation and political agenda setting for climate change adaptation and green infrastructure planning in urban environments.
Nature-based Solutions, such as the expansion of urban greenspace and planting of trees, can...



The Regions4Climate project aims to collaboratively develop and demonstrate a socially-just transition to climate resilience. Based on cross-sectoral roadmaps developed together with regional stakeholders, the project will create and implement innovations combining sociocultural, technological, digi...


Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs

RescueME focuses on a landscape approach to resilience, aiming to protect cultural heritage and landscapes.

nZEB Ready

Enhancing Market Readiness for nZEB Implementation

nZEB Ready aims to increase market readiness for "near-zero energy building" (nZEB) implementation.


Smart Energy Solutions for Africa

SESA is a collaborative project between the European Union and nine African countries that aims at providing energy access technologies and business models that are easily replicable and generate local opportunities for economic development and social cohesion in Africa, also using European know-how...