
Search Result ( 1 - 9 from 16 )


Reducing Housing Inequalities

ReHousIn aims to spark innovative policy solutions towards inclusionary and quality housing. For this, it investigates the complex relationship between green transition initiatives and housing inequalities in European urban and rural contexts, and develops innovative policy recommendations for bette...


SDGs Unite Border communities as Leaders of Inclusiveness, Mobilisation and Empowerment

"SUBLIME SDGs" emphasizes the essential role of local authorities in advancing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It empowers European border towns and islands to serve as “ambassadors” for sustainable living and climate action, equipping these local governments and the...


Communities For Local Green Deals

The COM4LGD project addresses the climate crisis and social-political polarization in the EU by promoting local community development, sustainability, and democratic participation. It engages citizens in climate action and strengthens democratic processes, aiming to build a transnational grassroots ...


Climate change initiatives will be more effective when they reach all members of society, particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups who are more at risk. Social justice is therefore becoming a core goal for cities tasked with the design and implementation of climate initiatives. Cities play an...

Adaptation AGORA

A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation

AGORA aims to enhance collective resilience against climate change by establishing community-based adaptation practices in various social, economic and political contexts.

European Heritage Hub

The European Heritage Hub will position cultural heritage as a driving force for Europe's climate, social and digital transformations.


Facing inequalities and democratic challenges through co-production in cities

Fairville intends to address embedded urban inequalities and the challenge this poses to democracy in large cities and urban regions. It will do so by intervening in low-income neighbourhoods that face a growing distance from the institutions and processes of representative democracy. Fairville reim...


UrbanCommunity for Sustainable Just Cities

The UrbanCommunity project provides several rounds of micro-grants to support "urban experimenters" work building sustainable and just cities.


AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal

The ACCTING project produces knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal.