Publications & tools

Search Result ( 10 - 18 from 38 )

Assessment of Building Materials in the European Residential Building Stock: An Analysis at EU27 Level

This study provides a detailed analysis of the materials available in the EU27 residential building sector. It elaborates on the data provided by the
H2020 European projects Hotmaps and AmBIENCe, from which it quantifies a number of materials, including those used for floors, roofs, etc. in a variety of building types, in each EU27 country. The methods and data provided support BuiltHub’s mission of enabling targeted policymaking and planning of decarbonization strategies for the European bui...

Assessment of Building Materials in the European Residential Building Stock: An Analysis at EU27 Level

This study aims to provide accurate data and a detailed analysis of the materials available in the EU27 residential building sector.

Inventory structure and main feature and datasets (Deliverable 3.1)

The Horizon 2020 (H2020) BuiltHub project aims to analyze the Building Stock Observatory (BSO) by providing feedback and a possible list of relevant indicators, in addition to developing a community of data providers and users. Collectively, this will allow for a continuous flow of relevant and complete data. Details about these processes and the project are addressed in this report.

Stakeholder needs and technical requirements for BuiltHub (Deliverable 2.2)

This project deliverable conducts an analysis of stakeholder needs and technical requirements, with the goal of designing a platform and its services to suitably serve the community. To determine stakeholder needs and requirements, a review of the legislation relevant to building performance analysis, a survey and interviews were conducted. The results show that services like data collection and storage, processing and analysis, benchmarking data, visualisation, data sharing, and exchange are of...

Policy Brief #04: A roadmap for the EU and Europe: Integrating adaptive heritage reuse in wider Eu policies, programmes and practices

In this Policy Brief, we present why adaptive heritage reuse should be facilitated by, incentivised by and integrated in a wide set of EU policies and strategies.

Policy Brief #04: Regional integration of the adaptive heritage reuse projects: Strengthening sustainable local development

In this Policy Brief, we present four models that shed light on different ways of integrating adaptive heritage reuse practices into a larger territorial framework. They were created for policy makers, heritage officers, and planners at local and regional levels of government, to help them navigate the diverse landscape of Adaptive Heritage Reuse (AHR) projects and find models that are the most suitable for their contexts.

Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures: Actions and Innovations from ROCK Project

Actions and Innovations from ROCK Project

Policy Brief #03: Financing the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage: Enabling complementary financing instruments for bottom-up initiatives

In this Policy Brief, we present recommendations for policy makers, heritage officers, and planners, at national and sub-national levels of government. These recommendations aim to support the implementation of adaptive heritage reuse projects. The recommendations are based on our work in the OpenHeritage project and in particular our reports on policy and the governance dialogue.
Financing the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage is a challenging undertaking and requires the orchestration of co...

Stakeholder Mapping (Deliverable 2.1)

This project deliverable discusses the meaning of stakeholders for the project, an approach to stakeholder engagement and an initial stakeholder mapping. Furthermore, it provides a template for documenting stakeholder activities. The stakeholder mapping categorizes stakeholders based on who they are, their interest(s) and what their engagement in BuiltHub could be. This mapping exercise allowed for a better understanding of the stakeholder groups needed by the project to ensure full representati...