Publications & tools

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Guidance document

The Aalborg Commitments Implementation Guide - A 5 step approach

Main objective of this Implementation Guide is to support signatory Local Governments in responding to the requirements of the Aalborg Commitments.
Guidance document

Zyklisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für Kommunen - Umsetzung der Aalborg Commitments in 5 Schritten

Hauptanliegen ist, Kommunen, die die Aalborg Commitments unterzeichnet haben, bei deren Umsetzung zu unterstützen/
Leading local governments through the Sustainability Cycle step by step
Guidance document

The Fano Guidelines

Building Capacity for Local Sustainability
Guidance document

The Aalborg Commitments

Ten years after the release of the Aalborg Charter, the 4th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns was again held in Aalborg (2004). The purpose of the event was to develop a common understanding of sustainability, and as a consequence to develop a framework to be used at the local level that would better articulate how to embed sustainability across municipality sectors. The Aalborg Commitments were agreed on by consensus of the conference participants, including organisations su...
Guidance document

The Aalborg Charter

The ‘Aalborg Charter’ (1994) is an urban sustainability initiative approved by the participants at the first European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in Aalborg, Denmark. It is inspired by the Rio Earth Summit’s Local Agenda 21 plan, and was developed to contribute to the European Union’s Environmental Action Programme, ‘Towards Sustainability’.
The Charter is based on the consensus of individuals, municipalities, NGOs, national and international...

Smart City Factsheets

Set of smart solution factsheets developed in the GrowSmarter project. Topics range from Low Energy districts to Integrated Infrastructure and E-mobility.

Sustainable Energy Planning and Implementation in Small and Medium Sized Communities

Climate change is a serious environmental, security and socio-political challenge. Its impact is already visible at community level around the globe. Tackling this challenge requires urgent action, with the engagement of local governments and communities needed.
The focus of Local Governments and Climate Change is on how small and medium-sized communities in Europe are effectively responding to climate change, with a particular focus on different approaches used in sustainable energy planning ...

RUGGEDISED Smart City Project - Animated

Animated presentation of the RUGGEDISED smart city project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.

ROCK Factsheet : Living Labs for cultural-led urban regeneration

Living Labs support cities in addressing social, economic and environmental challenges. They are sites to collaboratively design and test innovations, whether social or technical. These laboratories are tailored to their local socio-cultural environments and link co-creative methods with new technologies
to make cultural heritage a driving force for urban regeneration processes.