Publications & tools

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#WeBuySocialEU - Socially responsible public procurement #2

Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. By purchasing wisely, public buyers can promote employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, design for all, ethical trade, and seek to achieve wider compliance with social standards.

Seven European cities pilot solutions to be more circular via the EU-funded CityLoops project

The CityLoops project brings together seven European cities – Apeldoorn, Bodø, Mikkeli, Porto, Seville, Høje-Taastrup and Roskilde - to pilot a series of demonstration actions to close the loop of two of the most important waste streams in Europe: Construction and Demolition Waste, and Biowaste. Their ultimate aim is to become circular cities in which no resource goes to waste, driving the transition to the circular economy.

#WeBuySocialEU - Socially responsible public procurement #3

Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. By purchasing wisely, public buyers can promote employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, design for all, ethical trade, and seek to achieve wider compliance with social standards.


QuickCheckN is an online self-assessment tool for German communities. It supports communities to get a first impression of how sustainable their management is.
Guidance document

15 Frequently asked questions on socially responsible public procurement

What is socially responsible public procurement (SRPP)? Who benefits from SRPP? How does SRPP differ from ‘traditional’ procurement? These are some of the 15 Frequently Asked Questions compiled in this document published by the European Commission and written by ICLEI to support public buyers.

Prosumer Inspiration Book

This handbook invites you to experience the incredibly diverse nature of collective prosumerism and to be inspired by the practical experiences of Living Labs in different European countries.

QuickCheckN – wie zukunftsfähig ist Ihre Kommune?

ICLEI hat im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung ein onlinebasiertes Instrument entwickelt, das Kommunen einen ersten Eindruck über die Stärken und Schwächen ihres kommunalen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements vermittelt.

Fit-for-55+: Powering up a sustainable and fair energy transition in Europe

POSITION PAPER: ICLEI Europe welcomes the planned revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) by the European Commission. Frameworks, mandates and resources that enable local governments to implement ambitious actions must be strengthened.


The THERMOS tool is a web-based free software designed to optimise local district energy network planning processes and results according to user and project specific requirements such as budget, climate and energy targets.