Publications & tools

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How Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) supports Aarhus’s Green Transition

This case study shows the importance of having accurate boundaries defined before starting an emission analysis. As boundaries in EIE were adjusted to the needs of the city of Aarhus, the potential of EIE for data-driven action in the city’s transportation sector has been shown.

Policy Brief-Culture and Cultural Heritage: A key asset for sustainable development and transition in cities

As a mediator between social-ecological-economic pillars, and the root of human action, culture is seen as the foundation and structure for sustainable development. Thus, culture has the unique power to drive forward debates and action on our common urban future.

Mobility & transport at ICLEI Europe - ICLEI Europe factsheet on mobility and transport

With over 70% of EU citizens living in urban areas, urban mobility has become a major factor affecting quality of life and health.

BuiltHub WSED Presentation

This presentation was given at the World Sustainable Energy Days in Wels, Austria on 3 March 2023.

Stimulating demand for circular construction skills - a guide for public authorities

Through good practice and replicable examples from Europe and beyond, this document aims to raise awareness among practitioners and policymakers about their ability to promote a more circular construction sector and upskill professionals. It highlights the various levers at their disposal to support this transition

Training material for public procurers - How to procure circular construction skills?

This slide deck aims to help public procurers and policymakers better understand how they can stimulate demand for circular construction skills through public procurement. The deck can be used as a self-learning tool, with links to other resources to learn more about the topic. It can also be used and adapted as needed to help to raise awareness among your colleagues and partners on how they can promote circular construction skills.

CCD report 2022

The Circular Cities Declaration community is proud to present the CCD Report 2022, the widest ever assessment of circular economy practices across Europe's cities. From November 2021 to January 2022, CCD signatories were asked to provide information on their circular economy activities, strategies and actions. For each action, they additionally provided a brief description of the scope, objective and involved actors, and links to supporting documentation (web links, publications, documents, etc....

Local Green Deals: A Blueprint for Action

This guide outlines the rationale behind Local Green Deals (LGDs), its key principles, levers and the steps for cities, stakeholders and local communities to take to implement a LGD.

Agenda: Local and National Government Roundtable on Accelerating Renovation Rates via Citizen Hubs

Agenda (in Slovenian) for the workshop hosted in the City of Ljubljana