Publications & tools

Latest ( 226 - 234 from 253 )


Health economic assessment tool (HEAT) for walking and for cycling

Methods and user guide on physical activity, air pollution, injuries and carbon impact assessments produced by the World Health Organization and updated in 2017 through the European funded project, PASTA - Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches.

Connecting active mobility & health

Results from a longitudinal study in seven European cities on the link between active mobility and health.

SONNETexplored: What is social innovation in energy transitions?

SONNET project (SOcial iNNovation in Energy Transitions) brings diverse groups together to make sense of how social innovation can bring about a more sustainable energy sector in Europe.


The THERMOS tool is a web-based free software designed to optimise local district energy network planning processes and results according to user and project specific requirements such as budget, climate and energy targets.

Fit-for-55+: Powering up a sustainable and fair energy transition in Europe

POSITION PAPER: ICLEI Europe welcomes the planned revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) by the European Commission. Frameworks, mandates and resources that enable local governments to implement ambitious actions must be strengthened.
Press release

Städte fordern Kanzlerin Merkel zum schlüssigen Handeln für das Klima auf

Mehr und mehr Städte rufen den Klimanotstand aus und richten nun einen eindringlichen Appell an die Bundesregierung, die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen zu verstärken.
Press release

Towns, cities and regions march with youth for the climate: the time for action is now

For the first time in Europe’s history, towns, cities and regions are marching along with young people from around the world in a Global Climate Strike for the Future. Six local government networks inspired by the youth’s call to action will join the strike on 15 March in Brussels. They jointly call on the European Union and national leaders to take the necessary steps to address climate change in a just and timely manner.
Their main demand: to take heed of calls by the Intergovernm...

Prosumer Inspiration Book

This handbook invites you to experience the incredibly diverse nature of collective prosumerism and to be inspired by the practical experiences of Living Labs in different European countries.

#WeBuySocialEU - Socially responsible public procurement #3

Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. By purchasing wisely, public buyers can promote employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, design for all, ethical trade, and seek to achieve wider compliance with social standards.