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Press release

CIVITAS Forum 2018 - Moving towards Europe's inclusive and multimodal mobility future

The magnitude of transport’s social dimension is becoming increasingly clear - mobility shapes lives and prospects. It is vital that transport systems are environmentally friendly, inclusive, efficient, and centred on meeting diverse user needs. Yet how can this be accomplished?
Under the banner of "Mobility for U and Me", this year's CIVITAS Forum, which is taking place from 19-21 September in Umeå, Sweden, will examine this critical question.
Case Study

ROCK Factsheet : Living Labs for cultural-led urban regeneration

Living Labs support cities in addressing social, economic and environmental challenges. They are sites to collaboratively design and test innovations, whether social or technical. These laboratories are tailored to their local socio-cultural environments and link co-creative methods with new technologies
to make cultural heritage a driving force for urban regeneration processes.

RUGGEDISED Smart City Project - Animated

Animated presentation of the RUGGEDISED smart city project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.

Sustainable Energy Planning and Implementation in Small and Medium Sized Communities

Climate change is a serious environmental, security and socio-political challenge. Its impact is already visible at community level around the globe. Tackling this challenge requires urgent action, with the engagement of local governments and communities needed.
The focus of Local Governments and Climate Change is on how small and medium-sized communities in Europe are effectively responding to climate change, with a particular focus on different approaches used in sustainable energy planning ...