
Search Result ( 37 - 45 from 62 )

Past events

4 May 2021, 14:00 - 15:15

Circular Economy in waste management: how to replicate action

All are invited to join an online workshop on 4 May, which will explore “Circular economy in waste management: how to replicate action". The workshop, a partner event to EU Green Week, will feature the perspectives of representatives from cities that have piloted new meaures to manage pl...
22 April 2021, 10:00 - 13:00

BioVoices Final Event

Increasing awareness of the environmental, social and economic benefits of a sustainable and circular bioeconomy

Europe is building a ‘different world’ for future generations, promoting a more sustainable consumption, production and lifestyle, through the Green Deal and policy initiatives supporting a European bioeconomy, in particular the 2018 updated Bioeconomy Strategy. Despite these efforts, b...
30 March 2021, 10:00 - 12:00

Launch event: new kids book explores 'What's Bioeconomy?'

Online book launch event

Join the BioVoices project on 30 March for the launch of a new kids' book! This book will promote the bioeconomy and bio-based solutions in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive way, raising awareness on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles by engaging children from 5 to 7 years old...
28 January 2021, 15:00 - 16:30

Webinar: Become a CityLoops replicator to make your city circular

Is your city looking to build the foundations for circularity, to transform your construction and demolition waste stream into a circular flow of materials, or looking to valorise and reuse your biowaste at a high value? Become part of CityLoops! Join as a CityLoops Replicator to benefit from funded...
7 December 2020, 14:00 - 16:00

1st European Circular Cities Declaration Webinar

Introducing the Declaration and sharing inspiring examples

The first European Circular Cities Declaration webinar will present examples of good practice from the group of over 30 signatories. It will also provide an introduction to the Declaration to cities and regions potentially interested in signing. To register, visit here Programme 14.00 –...
19 October 2020, 16:00 - 18:00

Fair and Sustainable Energy for All With Integrated Low Emission Development Planning

Join Urban-LEDS cities at Daring Cities

Within a city, a vast amount of different actors, sectors and activities contribute to overall emissions and linked pollution levels. Currently, strategies for emission reductions are often sectors specific with limited cross-linking between sectors that could generate synergies in efforts. Cross-se...
15 October 2020, 10:00 - 11:00

Virtual Study Tour - PlastiCircle pilot in Alba Iulia

Circular Week 2020

As part of the Circular Week 2020, PlastiCircle is organising a virtual study tour to the pilot in Alba Iulia (Romania). City authorities, waste managers, procurers, companies and other plastic stakeholders are invited to join this meeting taking place next October, 15 (10:00 - 11.00 CEST). The Pla...
2 October 2020, 09:30 - 11:00

Mannheim2020 Conference Toolbox session: Lessons from the European Green Capital Network

The European Green Capital Network Secretariat invites you to join its session “Toolbox: Lessons from the European Green Capital Network”, taking place on 2 October as part of the 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns: Mannheim2020.During 2018-2020, the European Green...
30 September - 2 October 2020


9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

(Virtually) hosted by the City of Mannheim and ICLEI Europe, the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns will open its doors for the 9th time from 30 September - 2 October 2020, in a new online format. The conference will demonstrate the urgent need for local governm...