
Search Result ( 568 - 576 from 763 )

Past events

1 - 2 October 2015
Hannover, Germany

International Conference on Climate Action

Local Governments Driving Transformation

City leaders will gather in Hannover (Germany) at the International Conference on Climate Action 2015 (ICCA2015) from 1 - 2 October to discuss local achievements in addressing climate change and exchange knowledge on policies and implementation. Titled "Local Governments Driving Transformation", the...
16 - 17 September 2015
Klagenfurt, Austria

CEMOBIL final conference

The EU-funded project CEMOBIL will hold its final conference in Klagenfurt (Austria) on 16 - 17 September 2015. The project aimed to show that effective and sustainable improvement in environmental quality in cities is achievable without imposing undue restraints on individual mobility.The main topi...
9 September 2015
London, United Kingdom

CO-POWER at Community Energy Fortnight 2015

The EU-funded CO-POWER project is organising a free workshop during the UK's Community Energy Fortnight 2015, which takes place from 5 - 20 September. The Fortnight is an opportunity to explore how communities across the UK are generating, owning and saving energy.This event (together with a second ...
17 June 2015
Brussels, Belgium

Community energy across Europe: opportunities and challenges

The CO-POWER project is holding a workshop on 17 June 2015 in Brussels (Belgium). CO-POWER aims to accelerate a transition to local, sustainable energy as a means to reduce fossil fuel dependency.Many obstacles exist for this to become a reality, including lack of political will and legal and financ...
16 June 2015, 16:00 - 17:30
Brussels, Belgium

Cities and citizens in the Energy Union

This workshop, organised by ICLEI Europe and Friends of the Earth, will discuss the role of local authorities and communities in shaping Europe’s energy future as participants in the market.The event will be completely interactive, and will focus on how decentralised approaches can create regional...
15 June 2015

GPP 2020 Webinar

Boosting Sustainable Energy Supply and Efficiency through Smart Public Tendering

Policy-makers and action managers in charge of reaching sustainability targets in municipalities, regions and countries must consider how to ensure renewable energy supply and efficiency in public procurement. This webinar, organised within the GPP 2020 project, will present practical knowledge and ...
9 June 2015, 14:30 - 16:00

Webinar: Life-cycle costing in public procurement

Life-cycle costing (LCC) is a useful tool that could deliver financial savings as well as reductions in the environmental impact of purchases made by public authorities. The European Commission aims to encourage wider use of LCC by making tools and helpful approaches more widely available to Europea...
8 - 10 June 2015
Bonn, Germany

Resilient Cities 2015

Resilient Cities - The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation - is the global platform for urban resilience and climate change adaptation, hosted every year in Bonn. The congress offers a number of sessions and events on a wide variety of topics among which were urban risk data and i...
7 - 10 June 2015
Málaga, Spain

CIVITAS Summer Course

Sustainable Mobility for a Better Life

The CIVITAS Initiative is running a three-day summer course from 7 - 10 June in the Spanish city of Málaga. The course will look at sustainable urban mobility in the context of quality of life in cities. There is great potential for sustainable urban mobility to contribute to making cities more ple...