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Past events

11 - 16 May 2015
Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb Energy Week 2015

The sixth edition of the Zagreb Energy Week will take place from 11th to 16th May 2015 in the Croatian capital, organized by the City of Zagreb’s City Office for energy, environment and sustainable development. A series of events over five days will focus on the inclusion of stakeholders at local,...
5 May 2015
Budapest, Hungary


Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Hungary

Local decision-makers, planners, local government associations and networks, and energy agencies are invited to participate in this free workshop addressing the potential for roll-out of community energy in Hungary.The event will include topics such as how local authorities can invest in community e...
15 - 16 April 2015
Bremen, Germany

CARE-North plus final conference

The CARE-North plus final conference will be held in Bremen (Germany) on 15 – 16 April 2015. The aim of the CARE-North plus project is to develop a comprehensive, strategic and practical approach to urban and regional transport/accessibility in the North Sea Region in the context of climate change...
13 - 14 April 2015
Gyeongju, Republic of Korea

4th Local and Regional Authorities Conference

Water management issues and challenges faced by local and regional governments

ICLEI has joined forces with an international partnership - including UCLG, UN-Habitat/GWOPA, and the World Water Council - to organise another edition of a Local and Regional Authorities Conference embedded in the upcoming 7th World Water Forum in the Republic of Korea. The conference will take pla...
12 April 2015
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sustainable Public Procurement workshop

Using purchasing power to drive sustainability

While sustainable public procurement (SPP) has the capacity to bring about significant environmental and social benefits, many governments do not feel comfortable in incorporating it into their procurement policy. A training workshop set to take place at the ICLEI World Congress 2015 aims to make th...
12 - 17 April 2015
Daegu and Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea

7th World Water Forum

The World Water Forum is the world's largest meeting on water. Every three years the World Water Council (WWC) holds the forum on or around World Water Day (22 March). This year, the event will take place 12 – 17 April in Daegu and Gyeongbuk (Republic of Korea).The World Water Forum consists of at...
8 - 12 April 2015
Seoul, Republic of Korea

ICLEI World Congress 2015

The ICLEI World Congress 2015 will be hosted by Seoul Metropolitan Government (Republic of Korea), a long-term and active Member of ICLEI.The Congress takes place every three years and presents mayors, local government politicians and staff, representatives from international agencies, national gove...
26 - 27 March 2015
Rotterdam, Netherlands

4th Informed Cities Forum

The City of Rotterdam (The Netherlands) will host the 4th Informed Cities Forum, themed “Which way to the future? Strategies, tools and inspiration for transforming cities” on 26 – 27 March 2015. The forum, organised as a co-production of the ARTS and MUSIC project consortia, will bring togeth...
25 March 2015, 09:30 - 16:00
Vienna, Austria

Second Workshop on ClimateTech Transfer to Developing Countries

Second Regional Workshop to support the Climate Technology Centre and Network

D’Appolonia and the European Commission – DG CLIMA are hosting the Second Regional Workshop to support the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) dedicated to introducing Climate Technologies transfer mechanisms. The workshop targets stakeholders involved in the development of technologies...