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Past events

5 February 2015
Madrid, Spain


Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out in Spain

Local decision-makers, planners, local government associations and networks, and energy agencies are invited to participate in this free workshop addressing the potential for roll-out of community energy in Spain. The event will include topics such as how local authorities can invest in community en...
4 February 2015
Brussels, Belgium

17th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Sharing – the new concept for sustainable mobility

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and the Liaison agency Flanders-Europe hosted speakers and participants at the 17th “Breakfast at Sustainability’s” (B@S) on Wednesday 4 February 2015 in Brussels (Belgium) on the topic: Sharing – the new concept for sustainable m...
14 January 2015
Brussels, Belgium

URBES conference and training

The Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services project (URBES) is an EU funded project, led by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, with the involvement of numerous research institutes, ICLEI, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the cities of Stockholm (Sweden), Berlin (Germany...
2 December 2014, 15:00 - 16:30

EU GPP Helpdesk webinar

GPP in the Health Care Sector

GPP in the Health Care Sector is the topic of the EU GPP Helpdesk’s upcoming webinar. The event will take place on December 2, between 15:00 – 16:30 CEST (Berlin time) and will consist of a series of presentations from GPP experts from around Europe. The webinar will look at how GPP policies can...
25 November 2014
Brussels, Belgium

16th Breakfast at Sustainability's

The role of local and regional authorities in supporting community-led Renewable Energy projects formed the focus of the 16th Breakfast at Sustainability's (B@S) meeting, which took place in Brussels (Belgium) on 25 November 2014. Generously hosted by the Common Representation of the Alpeuregio (com...
25 November 2014
Milan, Italy

Solar and renewable district heating

A sustainable heat supply concept for local communities

Local authority representatives, heat suppliers and urban planners are invited to participate in an international workshop on solar and renewable district heating on 25 November 2014 in Milan (Italy).Topics including heat planning at the community level, innovative financing opportunities, and busin...
20 November 2014
Dublin, Ireland

Community-energy: empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out

Local decision-makers, planners, local government associations / networks and energy agencies participated in this free workshop addressing the potential for roll-out of community energy in Ireland. The event included topics such as how local authorities can contribute to local economic regeneration...
30 October 2014
Gotha, Germany

Sustainable procurement of timber in Thuringia

Timber as a raw material or used in construction and manufacturing is environmentally friendly and renewable. This event organised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and GIZ, in cooperation with Thüringen Forst, aims to address the information deficit in public ...
22 - 24 October 2014, 09:00 - 14:00
Freiburg and Lörrach, Germany

Local Renewables Conference 2014

Regional development through energy transition

To meet the challenges posed by the ongoing economic crisis, growing energy instability and resource scarcity, an urgent shift to sustainable economies is needed. The 6th Local Renewables Conference puts particular emphasis on the key role of the local level, the importance of renewable energy and i...