Publications & tools

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Press release
25 October 2021

Urban researchers and activists launch 17 keys for sustainable just cities

A community of urban researchers and city makers recently launched 17 keys for sustainable and just cities. The keys provide practical ways for urban decision makers, administrators, activists and urban planners to tackle the twin challenges of injustice and unsustainability.
Guidance document

Keys to Unlock Sustainable Just Cities

In a sustainable and just city, the economic, political and social choices which created unsustainable and unjust structures are put under the microscope.

Instrumente für kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (Tools for local sustainability management)

Municipalities at the beginning of their path towards sustainability need field-tested instruments because they face – often for the first time – the task of adapting centralized tools such as sustainability strategies or reports to their specific needs . This publication describes how local authorities can get such processes underway without having to reinvent the wheel.
Press release
14 February 2019

Creating sustainable and just cities through Urban Arenas

A new European research project, UrbanA - Arenas for sustainable and just cities, kicked off in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany last month.
The Urban Arenas will be co-creative spaces designed to generate convincing, specific, and actionable solutions towards sustainable cities that foster deep forms of democracy and citizen empowerment.
Over the coming three years, a series of four Urban Arenas will bring together policymakers, researchers, engaged citizens and others – collectively known...

Open Governance - Making digital tools work for cities and citizens

The experiences and lessons learned from the development of the smarticipate platform are summarised in this document in a series of 12 recommendations.

European sustainability award launched at Change the Change conference

Win 10,000 EUR and be recognised as a European leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2019 Transformative Action Award

How can your city become future-proof?

The brochure includes transformation pathways from European Green Capital Network members and practical tips for local governments looking for ways to make their cities and towns future-proof.

ROCK Factsheet No. 3: Technological solutions for heritage-led urban regeneration

This is the last of the three factsheets that present the diverse facets of the ROCK project. This third factsheet will dig deeper into one of the most distinctive elements of the project: technological solutions to boost heritage-led urban regeneration.