Publications & tools

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“Win-Win for European Economy” – Strategic Innovation Network Launched

Procure2Innovate, a strategic innovation procurement initiative funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, was officially launched today in Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

Barcelona, Rotterdam and Flanders Scoop Awards at Major European Sustainability Event

The cities of Barcelona and Rotterdam, and the Government of Flanders, have scooped the 2018 Procura+ Awards at this year’s EcoProcura conference in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Press release
18 October 2018

Florence based NGO receives special mention from European sustainability award for work with migrants

Associazione Amici del Nidiaci in Oltrarno Onlus, Florence (Italy) was honoured today with a special mention by the jury of the 2018 Transformative Action Award for their work on the inclusion and integration of immigrant families in their local community. The special mention came in advance of the award ceremony, which will take place on 15 November in Brussels (Belgium).
The Europe-wide sustainability award, co-organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Basque Countr...

Die fünf Schritte des kommunalen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements

Short video about sustainability management for municipalities in Germany (processes, actions and instruments)
Guidance document

Wirkungsorientiertes Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in Kommunen

[4 guidelines for impact-oriented sustainability management in communities (in German)]
Diese vier Leitfäden unterstützen Kommunen in ihrer Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.

ROCK Factsheet No. 2: Learning from each other

Cultural Heritage leading urban futures: This is the second of three factsheets, which will present the diverse facets of the ROCK project. This second one will refer to the knowledge exchange process among cities that are part of ROCK dealing with similar challenges, or the so-called ROCK Mentoring process.

Berliner Nachhaltigkeitsprofil

Berlin Sustainability Profile

Local Sustainability 2012

Global Review and Case Studies how cities and local governments have taken up the work towards sustainability.
Guidance document

Handbuch Projekt21

Einstieg in ein zyklisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Guidance on cyclical Sustainability Management for local governments