Publications & tools

Search Result ( 28 - 36 from 44 )

Local Sustainability 2012

Global Review and Case Studies how cities and local governments have taken up the work towards sustainability.
Guidance document

Handbuch Projekt21

Einstieg in ein zyklisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Guidance on cyclical Sustainability Management for local governments
Guidance document

The Aalborg Commitments Implementation Guide - A 5 step approach

Main objective of this Implementation Guide is to support signatory Local Governments in responding to the requirements of the Aalborg Commitments.
Guidance document

Zyklisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für Kommunen - Umsetzung der Aalborg Commitments in 5 Schritten

Hauptanliegen ist, Kommunen, die die Aalborg Commitments unterzeichnet haben, bei deren Umsetzung zu unterstützen/
Leading local governments through the Sustainability Cycle step by step
Guidance document

The Fano Guidelines

Building Capacity for Local Sustainability

Informed Cities Newsletter

The Newsletter shares and discusses activities and results of governance and social innovation research projects.

15 Pathways to localise the Sustainable Development Goals

Inspiration from Cities implementing local actions contributing to global goals.


QuickCheckN is an online self-assessment tool for German communities. It supports communities to get a first impression of how sustainable their management is.

Prosumer Inspiration Book

This handbook invites you to experience the incredibly diverse nature of collective prosumerism and to be inspired by the practical experiences of Living Labs in different European countries.