
Search Result ( 667 - 675 from 763 )

Past events

29 - 31 January 2013
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Drivers, passengers or bystanders?

The role of local governments in addressing societal challenges

The InContext project training workshop “Drivers, passengers or bystanders? The role of local governments in addressing societal challenges” will take place in Rotterdam (Netherlands) from 29-31 January 2013). The training focuses on the role of local governments in local transitions towards sus...
3 - 4 December 2012
Krakow, Poland

From public participation to co-creation

The role of local governments in supporting bottom-up sustainability initiatives

The workshop will present an innovative, community-based methodology for accelerating local transitions towards sustainable lifestyles and a low-carbon society. Drawing on the experience of European cities already working with this approach, the participants will explore the role of local government...
29 - 30 November 2012
Hannover, Germany

Schulung "Holz nachhaltig beschaffen" / Training "Procuring sustainable timber"

*Siehe unten für Information auf Deutsch* This event is part of a series of European-wide trainings by the Sustainable Timber Action project for public procurers on the sustainable procurement of (tropical) timber. For other European dates and venues please go to: http://www.sustainable-timber-acti...
26 November - 7 December 2012
Doha, Qatar

Doha 2012 UN Climate Change Conference

COP 18

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is participating at the Doha 2012 UN Climate Change conference with a delegation of around 20 executive and senior officials, representing ICLEI Member cities and Offices worldwide.ICLEI will hold a Side Event on 6 December, bringing together a broad ra...
21 November 2012
Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

9th Conference on Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country

Rio+20, the path towards sustainability: Challenges and responses from the municipalities

The Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country conferences started in 2002 with the aim of providing a meeting place to exchange experience and good practices regarding local sustainability processes. The IX Conference will examine the results and opportunities arising from Rio+20, the United Nations Con...
6 - 7 November 2012
Milan, Italy

From public participation to co-creation

The role of local governments in supporting bottom-up sustainability initiatives

The workshop will present an innovative, community-based methodology for accelerating local transitions towards sustainable lifestyles and a low-carbon society. Drawing on the experience of European cities already working with this approach, the participants will explore the role of local government...
25 - 26 October 2012
Freiburg, Germany

Local Renewables 2012

Cities and regions explore smart grids and smart solutions

The fifth Local Renewables Conference focuses on the combination of locally generated renewable energy, smart grids and smart end-users. The interconnection and need for close cooperation between cities and regions is essential in this context. Join us in exploring the potential of using information...
23 October 2012
Brussels, Belgium

12th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Sustainable construction – procuring innovative solutions in public sector construction projects

The 12th Breakfast at Sustainability’s (B@S) was entitled "Sustainable construction – procuring innovative solutions in public sector construction projects". The event took place in the frame of the DG Enterprise-funded SCI-Network that produced guidance on how public authorities can bes...
16 October 2012
Magdeburg, Germany

Landmarken setzen / Creating Landmarks

Netzwerktreffen zum Thema zeitgemäße öffentliche Beschaffung / Networking meeting for modern public procurement

*Siehe unten für Information auf Deutsch* The event served the networking of decision makers and procurers interested in modern public procurement in eastern Germany. The exchange of experiences between cities and towns strengthens sustainable public procurement.____________________________________...