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Past events

4 May 2021, 14:00 - 15:15

Circular Economy in waste management: how to replicate action

All are invited to join an online workshop on 4 May, which will explore “Circular economy in waste management: how to replicate action". The workshop, a partner event to EU Green Week, will feature the perspectives of representatives from cities that have piloted new meaures to manage pl...
27 April 2021, 10:00 - 16:45

Kick-start your Smart City idea with experts!

Dive into project shaping

Kick-start your smart city project idea on 27 April when the Smart Cities Marketplace invites for the first Matchmaking of 2021. The event brings together city/regional representatives, the Smart Cities Marketplace’s Action Clusters and Initiatives, businesses, and investors, and is your chanc...
22 April 2021, 10:00 - 13:00

BioVoices Final Event

Increasing awareness of the environmental, social and economic benefits of a sustainable and circular bioeconomy

Europe is building a ‘different world’ for future generations, promoting a more sustainable consumption, production and lifestyle, through the Green Deal and policy initiatives supporting a European bioeconomy, in particular the 2018 updated Bioeconomy Strategy. Despite these efforts, b...
16 April 2021, 14:00 - 15:00

Nature-Based Entrepreneurship in Practice

UrbanByNature – The Global Programme for Urban Nature Pioneers

14:00 CEST (16:00 AMT, AZT, GET) In this webinar, we continue with STEP4/COMMIT & PLAN and STEP5/IMPLEMENT of the UrbanByNature program. After a motivating and guiding introduction into NBS Finance and Businesses Models and NBS Entrepreneurship, the Nature-Based Enterprises (NBE) from Euro...
15 April 2021, 12:00 - 13:30

Financing Community Energy

Unlocking the Finance Needed to Speed Up Renewables Development in Europe

The IRENA Coalition for Action Community Energy Working Group and the EU Community Power Coalition, of which ICLEI Europe is a part of, are organising a first joint webinar on “Financing Community Energy - Unlocking the finance needed to speed up the development of renewable in Europe” o...
14 April 2021, 16:00 - 17:00

Engaging Cities and Regions in the Global Nature Agenda

ICLEI World Congress session

The ICLEI World Congress 2021 - 2022 is now a year-long experience, hosted by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and the City of Malmö, Sweden Register for the ICLEI World Congress 2021 - 2022 Virtual Launch ---- How can we build a more sustainable urban world through nature-b...
13 - 15 April 2021

ICLEI World Congress 2021–2022

virtual launch

With cities often determining the trajectory of global development, urban transformation is the key to a more sustainable world. The ICLEI World Congress is the moment for local and regional governments to come together to celebrate and recognise the invaluable contributions of cities, towns and reg...
30 March 2021, 10:00 - 12:00

Launch event: new kids book explores 'What's Bioeconomy?'

Online book launch event

Join the BioVoices project on 30 March for the launch of a new kids' book! This book will promote the bioeconomy and bio-based solutions in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive way, raising awareness on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles by engaging children from 5 to 7 years old...
23 - 25 March 2021

Connecting Nature Summit Series - Innovation Summit

Register now for the virtual Connecting Nature Innovation Summit  23-25 March 2021  Co-hosted by greenspace scotland and Glasgow City Council, the Innovation Summit will bring together an international audience to explore how we shift...