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Past events

27 September 2021, 10:00 - 11:30

Scaling & Optimising Nature-Based Solutions for Resilient Cities

In this webinar, jointly convened by PEER, ICLEI and EURAQUA, concepts for a tool that quantifies the demand and potential for NBS to enhance ecosystem service (ES) provision and linking ESs to readily quantifiable and legislatively relevant environmental quality indicators, will be presented alongs...
21 September 2021, 14:00 - 15:00

Nature-based solutions: Peatland restoration for climate and environment

Scotland House Brussels, in partnership with ICLEI Europe, is delighted to invite you to the next in their series of ‘Road to COP26’ events. With the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration in mind, this event will focus on the challenges and opportunities ahead for scalin...
14 September 2021, 09:00 - 17:00

See what the neighbours are doing: communities shaping sustainability

SMARTEES final conference

Community-level projects play a vital role in sustainability transitions. Whether a community is taking on the planning of a heat network, liberating a neighborhood from transit traffic, or a collective investment in home improvement, social dynamics often determine the success or failure of an inno...
18 August 2021, 09:00 - 10:30

UrbanByNature China Webinar #2: Enabling conditions and barriers to implementing Nature-based Solutions

The second UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar will focus on STEP2/EXPLORE of the UbN programme. Speakers from Connecting Nature, CLEVER Cities and China will share their experiences in identifying the enabling conditions and barriers to implementing nature-based solutions. They will outline how to go...
13 July 2021, 10:00 - 11:30

Powering the “net-zero carbon” city

Best practices in the smart integration of buildings and transport

Background Electrification in the transport, building and industry sectors (e.g. e-vehicles, smart buildings) plays a crucial role on the path towards climate neutrality. The European Commission estimates in its Energy System Integration Strategy that this electrification will double the amount of...
30 June 2021, 09:00 - 10:30

UrbanByNature China Webinar #1

Introducing Nature-based Solutions and the UrbanByNature programme in China

Connecting Nature and CLEVER Cities have joined forces to bring UrbanByNature (UbN), the global programme for urban nature pioneers, to China. After a successful launch event during last year’s ‘4th High-Level International Forum on Sustainable Urban Development’ in Chengdu, UbN wi...
29 - 30 June 2021, 09:00 - 18:00
Poznań, Poland

Connecting Nature Virtual Enterprise Summit

The potential of the nature-based economy to build back better after COVID

The Enterprise Summit will bring together an international audience to explore the enormous potential for nature and nature-based enterprises to be the engine for sustainable economic and jobs growth as we build back better after COVID-19 using innovative solutions to do so. Connecting Na...
22 June 2021, 09:30 - 11:00

MATRYCS Stakeholder Workshop #1

The potential of big data to revolutionise the building sector

The building sector accounts for a significant percentage of total global energy-related CO2 emissions. Competitive solutions must be found to revolutionise energy efficiency and management in buildings, and 'big data' has the potential to contribute to that search. This first MATRYCS workshop will...
15 June 2021, 13:00 - 13:45

Facilitating access to climate finance through effective multilevel governance

European Development Days 2021

Organised by the European Commission, the European Development Days (EDD) event has, since 2006, brough the development community together annually to share experiences that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. This year's event will take p...